“El Cid” at Austin Shakespeare
At one point in the first act of Austin Shakespeare’s Friday night performance of El Cid, an audience member on stage left started to unwrap a loud snack. The crinkling of the plastic paused, then continued. Paused, then continued. Heads turned from the stage towards the sound. Crinkle, crinkle. A woman a few rows in…
“Ride the Cyclone” at Texas Theatre and Dance
When I first read the online blurb for Ride the Cyclone at UT Austin, I wasn’t very interested. The plot seemed fine, but the marketing line about every song being in a different genre and having “something for everyone” seemed overdone. I’m a documented pop-concert-musicals hater! Who wants to see a musical with no consistency…
“Deathtrap” at Jarrott Productions
Deathtrap is a witty, self-aware, tightly packed script. No line is a throw-away. It’s a play that knows what it is and invites each actor to really dig their teeth into their roles. I found, however, that though Jarrott Productions’ current run of Deathtrap is almost technically perfect and enjoyable to sit through, it seemed…